Thursday, February 28, 2008

Things happen for a reason

So, up to now I've been a little bit upset because I've been looking forward to the move to Australia ... and then Brett got a nice work opportunity and we decided to stay for another year.

My daughter, Jessica, was born in August 2007 with a large ASD (hole in the heart). According to the cardiologist this would increase her risk of getting pneumonia if she gets the RS Virus (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) - a major cause of respiratory illness in young children. The cardiologist motivated for the synagis injections, used to prevent serious lower respiratory tract (lung) disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in children at high risk of RSV disease. These injections will be given once a month for 5 months at a cost of approximately R17 000 per injection! Today I got the good news that the medical aid decided to pay for these injections!

So, looks like we're staying here a bit longer for another reason ... and not just Brett's new job opportunity. We can also then have Jessica's heart operation done here in South Africa, maybe the best option.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Waiting for our visa

We are in the final stages of our Skills independent visa (subclass 136) for Australia

Here's our timeline so far:

ACS Skills Assessment: 6 November 2006
IELTS: 13 January 2007

PR Visa 136 (Non MODL):
Posted: 2 July 2007 Via Postnet
Received: 10 July 2007
Receipted: 15 August 2007
Acknowledged: 18 October 2007
Apply for baby passport: 7 November 2007
CO Assigned: 6 December 2007
Applied for PCC: 11 December 2007
PCC Ready: 16 January 2008
Collect baby passport: 16 January 2008
Collect PCC: 24 January 2008
Medicals: 28 January 2008 (R2840, 2 adults, 2 kids - Hatmed)
E-mail baby passport, medicals receipt and PCCs: 28 January 2008
Baby Cardiologist Report Faxed: 4 February 2008
Medicals Couriered: 6 February 2008
Medicals Delivered: 11 February 2008 (Signed for by James)

At the moment we're just waiting to hear whether or not they are going to grant our visa, but it might still be a while because the LCU (Local Clearance Unit) have got a backlog of 10 weeks, and they are the ones who have to approve the medicals.

Hopefully we'll hear soon!