Monday, June 8, 2009

It's been a while ...


Sorry, it's been so long since my last blog entry. The reason for that is that I didn't have much to write about ... life carries on. During the week we do the normal stuff ... work, eat, sleep. Weekends are great! We don't often go to spectacular places, it is winter after all. Winter ... yeah really cold. Temperature is between 15 and 22 degrees. Ha-ha! But apparently it will still get colder in July and August, for now we are enjoying really lovely weather.

We are doing well, obviously we've still got a fair amount of settling to do, but for now we are happy here. The kids are doing great, except for Jess getting all the ozzie bugs and me and Brett getting them with her. Ryan is still going strong.

Brett is cherishing his time at home with Jess, but typical man, gets despondent sometimes because he wants to be the one working. But with the economy the way it is, we are lucky to have an income at least. The great thing is the fantastic bond that has formed between the kids and Brett, especially Jessica. She adores her daddy, and went from "mommy's girl" to daddy's angel. Brett is also a lot more patient with the kids than I am, so I've got some lessons to learn there.

My work is okay, but I am generally tired during the week. And as a result not very patient with the kids (I'm not proud of that). But weekends are great, that's when I feel alive! Happy!

Here are some pics we took, enjoy!

Jessica and Noelle at Go wild indoor play area

Jessica looking at the ducks at a very nice park with a lake. Stunning place!

Ryan (spiderman)

Jess showing off her school bag

In the shower with teddy and a castle

The 2 boys (our house is in the background with my white car parked outside - left)

Jess loving the motorbike

This is about 50 m from our house, stunning isn't it?

Jess enjoying a mealie at the Redcliffe kite festival

1 comment:

Mark JS Esslemont said...

Moenie worry nie. Unemployment isn't the end of the world. Been there done that in NZ. The good wife keeps income flowing. Nice blog. The potjie on the gas braai looks hilarious. Go well.